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Amix Iso HD 90 CFM Protein 1800 g

Amix Nutrition
In stock
Kiszerelés: 1800 g
In store: 74,81 EUR Online price: 73,26 EUR (egységár: 40,70 EUR/kg)
Amix Iso HD 90 CFM Protein 1800 g

Net w: 1800 g

One serving: 30 g

Recommended dosage: Mix 1 scoop (30 g) with 200-300 ml of water or low fat milk. Use a blender and take it after performance. Daily dosage is 2-3 servings.

IsoHD® 90 CFM Protein

Food Supplement with sweeteners and flavours.

Net Weight: 1800 g.

IsoHD® 90 CFM Protein is an excellent new protein food supplement designed and developed by Amix®. It contains instantized CFM® whey protein isolate with protein fractions. This 100% whey protein supplement is furthermore supported by high doses of L-Glutamine, PepForm™ Triple-Matrix, AminoGen® enzymes and LactoSpore™ probiotics.


» protein contributes to a growth in muscle mass
» protein contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass
» with Lactospore™
» with AminoGen® and PepForm™ Triple-Matrix
» aspartame free
» delicate and creamy
» high instant protein

CFM® - cross flow microfiltration system is a gentle process using state-of-the-art. This natural, low-heat process results in high levels of undenatured protein and yields a product with excellent taste and optimal nutritional qualities, which includes all major whey proteins as well as protein microfractions and bioactive peptides.

L-Glutamine is the most abundant nonessential amino acid in the body, comprising more than 60% of the free amino acid pool in skeletal muscle and greater than 20% of total circulating amino acids. L-Glutamine plays a role in protein synthesis like proteinogenic amino acid, supports regeneration of muscle tissues, actives immune cells.

PepForm™ Triple-Matrix is combination of PepForm™ BCAA 2:1:1, PepForm™ Leucine Peptides and PepForm™ Tryptophan Peptides in ration 1:1:1. These components are made by a proprietary process that combines free form amino acids to peptides isolated from fresh sweet whey using advanced fractionation and separation technologies.

Aminogen® is naturally derived patented plant enzyme ingredient and a perfect relation for everybody who needs to support his digestion, especially the sportsmen using special diet.

LactoSpore™ (Lactobacillus sporogenes, Bacillus coagulans) is versatile Probiotics, which Deliver beneficial bacteria that help to support digestive health and maintain the immune system. Through oral administration, these spores survive on the acidic gastric environment and are activated due to the low pH, mechanical churning action of the stomach and the water in the gastric environment.

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Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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