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Amix Vitargo+Kre Alkalyne 2000 g

Amix Nutrition
In stock
Kiszerelés: 2000 g
Gyártó ajánlott listaára: 42,93 EUR
In store: 41,84 EUR Online price: 40,97 EUR
Discount: -5%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest
(egységár: 20,49 EUR/kg)
Amix Vitargo+Kre Alkalyne 2000 g

Recommended use: Fill a vessel or shaker with water (200 ml) and add 2 scoops of Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® (75 g). Stir properly for 1 - 2 minutes. Add the rest of the needed volume of water, stir again properly. Usage 1 portion = 75 g = 2 scoops. Mixed in water (6 dl).

Loading phase - Day 1-5:
Drink 3 portions of Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® divided during the day. Drink the final portion immediately AFTER a training session (if it is a training day). Adequate drinking interval is one portion every 3rd-4th hour. It is proper to drink Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® in between meals.

Maintenance phase - Day 6 and ahead:
Drink 1 portion of Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® (3 g - Kre-Alkalyn®/day), preferably immediately AFTER a training session (if it is a training day). Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® effectively restores your glycogen stores after intense physical exercise as well as it gives you the benefit of Kre-Alkalyn®. Flavours: Lemon, Orange

Glycogen and Creatine are two different energy stores for muscular work. The glycogen stores are used during long-time physical exercise. The creatine stores are used whenever the muscles need ultraquick, intensive/explosive energy but of short duration, for example during sprints and strength training.

Vitargo® is a patented carbohydrate with unique properties, specially formulated for elite athletes to give an effective loading of easily accessible muscle energy (glycogen) in the body. Vitargo® is a considerably larger carbohydrate than ordinary sports drinks carbohydrates, the molecular structure reminds of glycogen. The larger carbohydrate, the quicker the drink passes through the stomach and then the intestines can absorb the energy into your blood stream. This is called osmolality, the lower osmolality the quicker passage through the stomach.

Vitargo® has been clinically tested at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm and compared with other ”ordinary” sport carbohydrate drinks. The results showed that Vitargo® was quicker in replenishing glycogen levels and passing through the stomach compared with the normal combinations of complex glucose polymers.

Kre-Alkalyn® is a new form of creatine with pH higher than 12, which is reached by using a worldwide patented manufacturing process.

Kre-Alkalyn® is the no load, no cycle, no side effect, 100% stable creatine, that gives you immediate results. Clinical studies have shown that intake of Glycogen and Creatine are two different energy stores for muscular work. The glycogen stores are used during long-time physical exercise. The creatine stores are used whenever the muscles need ultraquick, intensive/explosive energy but of short duration, for example during sprints and strength training. together with carbohydrates as drink stores a greater amount of creatine in the muscles. Based on these results we present the most effective mix of carbohydrates and Kre-Alkalyn®.

Using Vitargo® Kre-Alkalyn® your muscles can exercise a bit harder and longer. You will notice the difference!


» Carbohydrate content: 100 % Vitargo®

» More effective than a creatine/dextrose mix

» Quicker muscular uptake of Creatine

» The future of Creatine loading is here!

Ingredients: Ultra high-molecular weight (500,000-700,000) amylopectin barley starch (Vitargo®), buffered creatine monohydrate Kre-Alkalyn®, acidifying agent: citric acid, aroma, beetroot juice (only in orange flavour), dye: curcumin (in orange and lemon flavours), sweeteners: sucralose and acesulfame-K.

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Figyelem!! Ha terhes, szoptat vagy bármilyen betegséget diagnosztizáltak önnél, minden esetben kérje ki kezelőorvosa, egészségügyi tanácsadója véleményét mielőtt bármilyen táplálékkiegészítőt vásárolna.

Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.

A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.

Ha neked bármelyik, a proteinbuilder.hu webáruházban forgalmazott termékkel problémád van, azt az email címen vagy a 0630 7353781 es számon jelezheted felénk. Problémádat azonnal kivizsgáljuk!

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A csatolt képek minden esetben illusztrációk!

Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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