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EverBuild Glutamine 5000

Everbuild Nutrition
In stock
Kiszerelés: 500 g
In store: 21,12 EUR Online price: 20,52 EUR (egységár: 41,04 EUR/kg)
EverBuild Glutamine 5000

Everbuild Glutamine 5000 provides the L-glutamine amino acid in its purest form. It is the most common amino acid in the blood plasma which can be observed in over 60% of the organism’s amino acid pool.


It has a marked anabolic function

Helps the protein synthesis

Lowers the cortisol levels

Increases the growth hormone secretion

Promotes glycogen storage

Stimulates the immune system

Accelerates the assimilation of BCAA

Helps the assimilation of different nutrients

Everbuild Glutamine 5000 contains 100% pure L-glutamine of pharmaceutical quality. The L-glutamine itself is the most commonly met amino acid in the human body. Up to 60% of the amino acids in their pure form are made up of glutamine. Around 20% of the amino acids in the blood, meanwhile, are also made up of glutamine.

The glutamine in Everbuild Glutamine 5000 speeds up the protein synthesis and protects from muscle breakdown. It is one of the main components of the growth hormone and it accelerates its synthesis. This amino acid plays an extremely crucial part in fighting fatigue and recovering the strained muscle fibers during physical activity.

Everbuild Glutamine 5000 is an indispensable ally in the training sessions and is a must in acquiring your desired physique which will help you become a better version of yourself!
All the products from the Everbuild series are of pharmaceutical purity and quality! Order the purest products on the market and enjoy their unique benefits!

In this product we used KQ (Kyowa Quality) Glutamine. Kyowa Quality (KQ) is formed from a good range of ultra-pure amino acids and related compounds, exclusively provided by Kyowa Hakko BIO Co. LTD., a true worldwide leader with over 60 years of experience and a reputation for strict quality assurance.

With its innovative fermentation technology, developed over the years. Kyowa® has become a trusted pioneer within the health field.


KQ provides consistently pure products, building on 60 years of Kyowa®experience.

One dose: 5 grams

Servings per container: 40

Recommended use: 1 dose around work out and one prior to sleep. During rest days one dose prior to sleep.

Do not exceed the daily recommended use!
Do not use as a substitute to a balanced diet!
Store in a cool, dry place, under 25˚C away from direct sunlight!

Everbuild Glutamine 5000 provides the L-glutamine amino acid in its purest form. It is the most common amino acid in the blood plasma which can be observed in over 60% of the organism’s amino acid pool.

It has a marked anabolic function
Helps the protein synthesis
Lowers the cortisol levels
Increases the growth hormone secretion
Promotes glycogen storage
Stimulates the immune system
Accelerates the assimilation of BCAA
Helps the assimilation of different nutrients

Everbuild Glutamine 5000 contains 100% pure L-glutamine of pharmaceutical quality. The L-glutamine itself is the most commonly met amino acid in the human body. Up to 60% of the amino acids in their pure form are made up of glutamine. Around 20% of the amino acids in the blood, meanwhile, are also made up of glutamine.

The glutamine in Everbuild Glutamine 5000 speeds up the protein synthesis and protects from muscle breakdown. It is one of the main components of the growth hormone and it accelerates its synthesis. This amino acid plays an extremely crucial part in fighting fatigue and recovering the strained muscle fibers during physical activity.
Everbuild Glutamine 5000 is an indispensable ally in the training sessions and is a must in acquiring your desired physique which will help you become a better version of yourself!
All the products from the Everbuild series are of pharmaceutical purity and quality! Order the purest products on the market and enjoy their unique benefits!

In this product we used KQ (Kyowa Quality) Glutamine. Kyowa Quality (KQ) is formed from a good range of ultra-pure amino acids and related compounds, exclusively provided by Kyowa Hakko BIO Co. LTD., a true worldwide leader with over 60 years of experience and a reputation for strict quality assurance.

With its innovative fermentation technology, developed over the years. Kyowa® has become a trusted pioneer within the health field.


KQ provides consistently pure products, building on 60 years of Kyowa®experience.

One dose: 5 grams
Servings per container: 40
Recommended use: 1 dose around work out and one prior to sleep. During rest days one dose prior to sleep.

Do not exceed the daily recommended use!
Do not use as a substitute to a balanced diet!
Store in a cool, dry place, under 25˚C away from direct sunlight!

Az általunk közölt termék leírások mind a gyártók által leírtak. A Proteinbuilder.hu nem vállal felelősséget az esetleges gyártói elírásokért, állításokért.
A termékleírásokban olvasott állitások klinikai tesztekkel nincsenek alátámasztva, azok tényeknek, ajánlásoknak nem tekinthetők. Leírások az EFSA (Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság) ajánlásainak figyelembevételével készültek

Figyelem!! Ha terhes, szoptat vagy bármilyen betegséget diagnosztizáltak önnél, minden esetben kérje ki kezelőorvosa, egészségügyi tanácsadója véleményét mielőtt bármilyen táplálékkiegészítőt vásárolna.

Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.

A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.

Ha neked bármelyik, a proteinbuilder.hu webáruházban forgalmazott termékkel problémád van, azt az email címen vagy a 0630 7353781 es számon jelezheted felénk. Problémádat azonnal kivizsgáljuk!

A proteinbuilder.hu-n kapható termékeket a House of Pain Magyarország Kft szállítja neked.

A csatolt képek minden esetben illusztrációk!

Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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