EverBuild Nutrition Ultra Premium Whey Build
Discount: -4%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 26,33 EUR/kg)
One dose: 34 grams
Servings per container: 67
Suggested use: 1 dose in the morning, 30 mins prior to sleep and another one post workout
Do not exceed the daily recommended use!
Do not use as a substitute to a balanced diet!
Store in a cool, dry place, under 25˚C away from direct sunlight!
Everbuild Ultra Premium Whey Build is the new flagman of the EVERBUILD NUTRITION family. It is a combination of protein sources with high bioavailability value. This allows for its full absorption by the organism.
Everbuild Ultra Premium Whey Build is an outcome which has been developed after continuous research coupled with experiments in the bodybuilding and fitness areas.
This product is a combination of several protein sources which are of an extreme bioavailability to the organism.
This means that each ingredient found in the food supplement can be absorbed by the human body completely.
Everbuild Ultra Premium Whey Build accelerates the recovery process, encourages muscle gain and increases the daily protein intake simultaneously.
This innovative protein powder is loaded with 4 grams ‘smart’ carbohydrates per dose.
Their mission is to accelerate the transport of proteins in the organism so they can reach the desired destination in the shortest period of time possible.
The enzyme complex in Ultra Premium Whey Build allows for the instantaneous processing and assimilation of nutrients.
The probiotic complex is responsible for the good balance f bacteria in the body as it provides around 10 billion of the ‘good’ bacteria in 34-gram products.
Another advantage to Ultra Premium Whey Build is that is sweetened by Stevia.
The protein in Ultra Premium Whey Build assists in building pure muscle mass and gaining strength.
This is documented in a research in which the control group which used in Ultra Premium Whey Build throughout the whole testing period managed to increase their strength by 2 times and the muscle mass by 4 in comparison to the group which was given a placebo product.
Increases muscle mass
Quality recovery
Gives strength
4 grams glutamine per dose
5.5 grams BCAA per dose
Contains Stevia
Enzyme complex
Over 10 billion ‘good’ bacteria per dose
French vanilla shake
Deluxe chocolate shake
Mocha cappuccino shake
Chocolate ice cream
Royal strawberry smoothie
Strawberry banana smoothie
Peach & mango
Cookies & cream
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Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.
A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.
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Üdv: proteinbuilder team