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Extrifit BCAA Liquid Pure Free 1000 ml

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Kiszerelés: 1000 ml
In store: 14,97 EUR Online price: 14,22 EUR (egységár: 14,22 EUR/liter)
Extrifit BCAA Liquid Pure Free 1000 ml


By BCAA supplementation during hard training or weight loss program You can prevent muscle catabolism – for this effect use BCAA before or during the training. For muscle mass growth (the process You need protein compound from amino acids for) use BCAA Free Form Liquid 80000 mg after the training.

for maximum energy and high intensity of training and muscle loss prevention during the workout being on a weight loss program: 1 scoop (50 ml) 20 – 30 min before the exercise
for muscle massincreasing: 1 scoop (50 ml) after the exercise
advanced athletes and athletes over 80 kg should take 2 – 3 heaping scoops

BCAA are used by bodybuilders for the long time and their effect is proved. They are suitable as for volume training as for cutting training.The main thing is using BCAA in the relationship to training and for their effect is very important time since swallowing till presence in muscles. This time is influenced by the form of BCAA that You take in. Liquid form of BCAA is the best for this aim. Our company offers You two such products: BCAA Free Form Liquid 80000 mg – BCAA in their free form for immediate consumption, or one of our most successful products BCAA INSTANT.

BCAA –free branched chain amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine a L-valineare essential amino acids occuring in muscle tissue where can be used as important energy source. Branched chain amino acids are contained in food, it means they are natural, without any risk of unwanted effects!

Our product BCAA Free Form Liquid 80000 mg contains optimal ratio of BCAA - twice more of L-leucine than L-isoleucine and L-valine. Why ratio of 2:1:1? Leucine is considered to be the most important of BCAA for processes in the muscles occuring during and after the training. The ratio of 2:1:1 meets the physiological need of BCAA and has the best effect. If You use higher doses of L-leucine it could not be better utilized because Rubner´s law of limit amino acid is valid (amino acids from food utilization depends on in minimal amount contained amino acid) and also Wolf´s law regarding amino acids surplus is valid (intake of whichever amino acid in too high amount disrupt metabolism of other amino acids and increases signs of limit amino acid).

You can supply the body with branched chain amino acids the whole day long. Especially if You are on cutting diet trying to lose body fat it is recommended to use BCAA even on non-training day, ideally in the morning on an empty stomach.

Az általunk közölt termék leírások mind a gyártók által leírtak. A Proteinbuilder.hu nem vállal felelősséget az esetleges gyártói elírásokért, állításokért.
A termékleírásokban olvasott állitások klinikai tesztekkel nincsenek alátámasztva, azok tényeknek, ajánlásoknak nem tekinthetők. Leírások az EFSA (Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság) ajánlásainak figyelembevételével készültek

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Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.

A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.

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Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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