Extrifit BEEF Amino Peptides 300 tab
Discount: -4%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 0,10 EUR/tabletta)
Use 5-8 tablets daily depending on your bodyweight, sports activity and diet
Divide your daily dose during the day – use it between meals, before and after your workout and before bedtime
Wash tablets down with water.
300 tablets
Beef hydrolysed isolate (beef peptides) 2000 mg
Other Ingredients: anticaking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate)
Beef Peptides is product containing beef protein in peptide form.The ideal tool for lean muscle mass building.The tablets are unique because they contain practically no fillers! Only pure protein.Every tablet contains fully 2 grams of beef protein!Beef peptides are absolutely without sugars and fat!
Beef peptides!
No sugars!
No fat!
96% of protein!
2000 mg of protein in every tablet!
Beef Peptides contains hydrolysed beef protein – hydrolysed beef peptides. This is unique raw ingredient containing minimally 96 % of protein. Its intake supports muscle mass growth and contributes to its maintaining during hard training or other situations (f.e. strong diet) when it is in danger of catabolism. Each tablet contains 2000 mg of hydrolysed beef protein in peptide bond and minimum of fillers!
We paid extra attention to supplements containing beef protein during our products ‘portfolio development. Beef Peptides belongs to these products too. Modern production technology allows manufacturing even of beef protein into supplements with maintaining of all natural beef protein´s advantages.
Beef Peptides is suitable for athletes who want to support muscle mass growth and to contribute to its maintaining during hard training or other situations (f.e. weight loss diet) when it is in danger of catabolism.
Beef protein is hydrolysed and ultrafiltered. The protein is broken down during a process of hydrolysis so final product has better digestibility and absorption. About 15 % of peptides in Beef Peptides is of molecular weight 6000 Da, 55 % 3000 Da and 30 % 500 Da and less that are very short peptides (highly valued in sports nutrition) with extremely good absorption and utilization.
Absolutely new technology was used for this tablets ‘manufacturing that makes possible that one tablet of Beef Peptides contains fully 2000 mg of pure beef protein and absolute minimum of fillers – 10x less than other similar products! Nevertheless our Beef Peptides are much smaller and easy to swallow. The most important advantage of this method is not consuming so high amount of poorly digestible fillers that can cause impaired digestion. Beef Peptides tablets supply muscles practically only with top-class clear protein of pure hydrolysed beef isolate.
Az általunk közölt termék leírások mind a gyártók által leírtak. A Proteinbuilder.hu nem vállal felelősséget az esetleges gyártói elírásokért, állításokért.
A termékleírásokban olvasott állitások klinikai tesztekkel nincsenek alátámasztva, azok tényeknek, ajánlásoknak nem tekinthetők. Leírások az EFSA (Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság) ajánlásainak figyelembevételével készültek
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Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.
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