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Fitness Authority
Out of stock
Kiszerelés: 313 g
In store: 20,20 EUR Online price: 19,24 EUR (egységár: 61,47 EUR/kg)

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Fitness Authority Napalm On Stage Pump

FA Napalm On Stage Pump 313g no-booster

FA Napalm On Stage Pump 313g is a no-booster with no added stimulants. The pre-workout supplement is based on four proven ingredients, whose action allows you to increase the volume of muscle cells, as well as intensify blood flow through the muscles. On Stage Pump will allow you to significantly increase the effect of muscle pump during training, which will translate into a better appearance of your figure. The product perfectly supports your workout, and will allow you to perform a longer and more intense workout.

FA Napalm On Stage Pump 313g is:

No-booster without stimulants,

Supports the muscle pump effect,

Increases the intensity of your workout,

Supports endurance,

Accelerates recovery.

How does FA Napalm On Stage Pump work?

No-booster from Fitness Authority is based on proven and fully safe ingredients. You won't find any banned active substances or powerful stimulants here. The whole thing is based on the synergistic action of the so-called pumps, substances that boost the production of nitric oxide in the body. The product provides us with a strong muscle pump, which translates directly into the appearance of our muscles.

On Stage Pump can also be combined with other dietary supplements that work similarly to a no-booster or pre-workout. People who like stimulation, such as the effects of caffeine, can easily combine On Stage
Pump with stimulants.

FA Napalm On Stage Pump 313g composition:

1 serving, 3.13g:

GlycerSize™ (65% Glycerol) - 750 mg - is a patented dietary supplement based on high concentration glycerin (glycerol) (65% glycerol powder). Glycerol is a hygroscopic substance, meaning that it has the ability to attract and retain water. In sports supplementation, GlycerSize™ is used for its properties that help increase hydration, endurance and muscle pump. The action of the substance increases the muscle pump effect, however, this is done through a mechanism of increasing water in muscle cells.

Citrulline malate - 750 mg - including citrulline - 250 mg - affects the synthesis of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to muscles and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, it can lead to an increase in the body's efficiency and better sports performance. Among other things, it causes an increase in arginine levels in the body, which itself enhances nitric oxide production. Citrulline is involved in the urea cycle, which helps remove ammonia - a byproduct of amino acid metabolism - from the body. Reducing ammonia can help reduce feelings of fatigue and delay the onset of muscle acidification.

L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG) - 750 mg - including L- arginine - 525 mg - is an organic chemical compound that is a combination of the amino acid L-arginine with alpha-ketoglutarate. In sports supplementation, AKG arginine is used for its properties that help increase nitric oxide synthesis, improve blood flow, body performance and muscle recovery after exercise. Thanks to increased blood flow, arginine AKG can influence the effect of the so-called muscle pump, which is the feeling of fullness and muscle tone during training. Muscle pump is particularly desirable for bodybuilders and strength athletes.

Betaine - 375 mg - is an ingredient that perfectly supports the work of the circulatory system. Betaine also exhibits a no-booster effect, increasing blood flow through the muscles being trained. Studies show that regular use of betaine builds muscle. It is an ingredient that perfectly complements the overall On Stage Pump product.

FA Napalm On Stage Pump 313g dosage:

1 serving, 3.13 grams, 30 minutes before training. If possible, we can increase the servings until we get the optimal muscle pump effect.

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Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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