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Gaspari AminoMax 8000

Gaspari Nutrition
In stock
Kiszerelés: 325 tabletta
In store: 33,85 EUR Online price: 32,30 EUR (egységár: 0,10 EUR/tabletta)
Gaspari AminoMax 8000

Aminomax 325 tabs


Gaspari Nutrition’s AMINOMAX 8000 is a scientifically designed blend of 91% hydrolyzed lactalbumin from whey protein, containing very low molecular weight proteins, di- and tripeptides and individual amino acids infused with additional L-Leucine and L-Taurine, proven to be exceedingly beneficial to all types of athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. This unique, innovative formula provides the educated consumer with a highly useful and bioavailable product that delivers a broad array of the very building blocks you must have to grow and maintain skeletal muscle tissue and mass. Unlike many of our competitors' products that use higher molecular weight whey protein concentrates or even isolates, the hydrolyzed protein used in AMINOMAX 8000 is rich in di- and tri-peptides to ensure super-fast absorption for super fast delivery to your muscles.*

In addition to fast-acting di-and tri-peptides, Gaspari Nutrition added extra L-Leucine and L-Taurine to AMINOMAX 8000 to optimize the benefit the serious athlete can see from using this dietary supplement, L-Leucine is an essential amino acid, meaning the body is unable to produce it on its own; thus, it must be obtained externally from food sources or through dietary supplements such as AMINOMAX 8000.*

L-Leucine helps to repair muscles, regulate blood sugar, and provide the body with energy. It also increases production of growth hormones and helps burn visceral fat, which is located in the deepest layers of the body and the least responsive to dieting and exercise. L-Leucine is one of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and is considered the most effective BCAA for preventing muscle loss because it breaks down and is converted to glucose more quickly than the others. Increased glucose supplies prevent the body’s cannibalization of muscle for energy during intense workouts, so it is no surprise that this amino acid supplement is popular among professional bodybuilders. L-Leucine also promotes the healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue after traumatic injury, and is often recommended for those recovering from surgery.*

L-Taurine is the most abundant free amino acid in the body. It is an important component of bile acids, which are used to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It also helps regulate your heartbeat; maintain the stability of cell membranes; and regulate the activity of brain cells. L-Taurine may also increase the action of insulin, improving glucose tolerance and enhancing antioxidant levels – which are important functions to help increase lean muscle mass. Large amounts of L-Taurine are also found in skeletal muscle, where it is believed to play an essential role in reducing muscle damage from intense exercise and improving performance. Exercise depletes the muscles of L-Taurine, making dietary supplementation with AMINOMAX 8000 beneficial for anyone concerned with getting the maximum benefit from their exercise training


Click Here to download AminoMax 8000 BrochureQ: When is the best time of the day to take AminoMax 8000?

The best time to take AminoMax is before and after training.*

Q: How many servings of AminoMax 8000 should I take in a day?

Ideally, a serving before training and one after training. Depending on your fitness goals an extra serving before would be of the most benefit*

91.0% Hydrolyzed Lactalbumin from Whey Protein*

Enhanced with Extra l-leucine and l-taurine*
Promotes Increases in Size, Strength, and Endurance*

Over 8 grams of amino acids per serving*


As a dietary supplement, consume four (4) tablets before training and then another four (4) tablets after training.*

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