Haya Labs Prostate Health 60 Caps
HAYA Labs Prostate Health 60 Caps. is a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that help to maintain the normal functioning of the prostate.
Promotes healthy prostate function
It can reduce the urgency, frequency, and/or delaying the onset of urination associated with swelling of the prostate gland
Promote overall health of the prostate, bladder and urinary tract.
The prostate gland is a small, donut-shaped and size of a walnut, organ surrounding the urethra, located where it lefts bladder. The prostate produces an alkaline substance which builds up a large proportion of male reproductive fluid. By reaching the age of 40, the cells of the prostate gland often become larger; this is known as an adenoma of the prostate gland, or shortly (BPH). BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that is harmless in some cases. Often increased prostate presses on the urethra and affect urination; this can lead to urological symptoms associated with bladder. Many studies have shown that more than half of the men over 50 years suffer from an enlarged prostate and related symptoms. As they get older, up to 80% experience unpleasant symptoms which may include frequent urination, urination at night, and pain in the lower back.
Saо palmetto
Sao's palm is very useful for men suffering from prostate problems; its use is currently focused on DHT. Sao Palmetto relieves symptoms associated with this condition, such as frequency and urgency of urination, excessive nighttime urination or delay of urination. In addition, this ingredient promotes optimal anti-inflammatory effect to reduce swelling and promote normal flow of urine. Moreover, Sao palmetto shows the ability to prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT in some studies.
A few years ago, scientists noticed that men who live in areas where the pumpkin seeds are part of the diet showed a lower frequency of occurrence of prostate problems. This may be due to the content of the essential fatty acids since the EFA is considered useful for the health of the body. Good source of zinc, pumpkin contains nutrients that promote the health of the prostate, bladder and urinary tract. It is most effective when combined with nettle and/or Sao palmetto contained in this formula.
Nettles has positive effects on the maintenance of prostate, bladder and urinary tract. It also promotes the flow of urine and supports less urination.
One dose: 2 capsules
Recommended use: Take 1 dose daily with water
Pack size: 30
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