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Nutriversum MSM+C Hyaluron Collagen 120 CAPS

Out of stock
Kiszerelés: 120 kapszula
Gyártó ajánlott listaára: 12,03 EUR
In store: 7,69 EUR Online price: 7,69 EUR
Discount: -36%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest
(egységár: 0,06 EUR/kapszula)

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Nutriversum MSM+C Hyaluron Collagen 120 CAPS

How to use it?

Consume 2x2 caps daily, between meals, or with breakfast and before going to sleep

Size: 120 caps – 60 serving, 30 daily serving

A WSHAPE - MSM C Hyaluron Collagen is an All-In-One beauty care product especially for women!
Collagen has been one of the most popular ingredients in beauty care products for a reason, since its several effects are well known and used efficiently.
Collagen is a protein that can be found in human body, but as time goes by its amount decreases, that is why it is advisable to use collagen supplements to maintain the flexibility and smoothness of the skin. About the 75% of our skins and about the 30% of our entire bodies are made up from collagen, so it is pretty clear that collagen's role is definitely not neglectable.

Hyaluronic Acid is also a protein that has gained a very important role in modern beauty industry, thanks to its ability to maintain the firmness and tightness of the skin. Besides since Hyaluronic Acid is also an antioxidant and can hold up a lot of water, it can produce an inner hydration for the skin slowing down the negative effects of aging.

The combination of the two is a perfect duo to support the firmness of the skin, and to strengthen the hair and the nails!

But to make sure, we also added Vitamin C, which is a necessary micronutrient for the building in of collagen, and MSM, which makes an inimitable demulcent and immune system booster with Vitamin C.

Nutrition facts of daily serving (4cap)

1480mg collagen
272mg hyaluronic acid
200mg Vitamin C
306mg MSM

We recommend it for you if:

you want to get back your skin's firmness
you want to get rid of your smaller wrinkles
you want to support the shininess of your hair or the strength of your nails
you are more than 25 years old but want to maintain your youthfulness
you smoke and due to that you collagen level is low
or simply you want to experience the positive effects of the most popular ingredients of the beauty industry!

Try it for yourself!

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A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.

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A proteinbuilder.hu-n kapható termékeket a House of Pain Magyarország Kft szállítja neked.

A csatolt képek minden esetben illusztrációk!

Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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