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Olimp Sport Nutrition
In stock
Kiszerelés: 120 kapszula
In store: 22,78 EUR Online price: 21,82 EUR (egységár: 0,18 EUR/kapszula)

1. AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps - description
One capsule, many benefits, is nothing more than AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps from Olimp Sport Nutrition. Here is a dietary supplement which was created by utilising the properties of one of the amino acids popular in sport - L-arginine. On the other hand, modern technology and production conditions have created a product of high quality and with extremely effective action, which is a support for lovers of various disciplines.

2. AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps - action
L-arginine is one of the most-well-known nutrients for athletes, which from the biochemical point of view is considered to be an amino acid. The main property of arginine is its increasing the strength and endurance of the exercising person. By improving nitric-oxide (NO) production and release, blood vessels are enlarged and blood supply is increased. The result is an boosted distribution of blood, oxygen and nutrients into your muscles. Improving their nutrition creates the ideal conditions for their development, and, consequently, easier weight development. Better transfer of the essential fuel for the muscles will facilitate obtaining the effect of a "muscle pump", which in practice will ultimately increase your strength and reduce fatigue.

3. Olimp AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps - effects
AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps can be used as an effective support to build muscle mass and increase body size. This allows us to state quite clearly that AAKG Olimp can be treated as a solid reinforcement of our supplementation to date. What's more, increased strength and endurance will enable you to work under more strain, resulting in a stronger stimulus to muscle-mass development.

4. AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps - for whom?
Although arginine has a typical mobilising effect, the supplement itself can be used as a means of reducing the indicators of intense physical activity. In what manner? Arginine is transformed into other amino acids, such as citrulline and ornithine, with which it participates in the urea-cycle process. A cascade of progressive reactions allows the removal of excess harmful urea, creating a suitable environment for the increased synthesis of ATP, thusenhancing muscle-mass development. AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps also acts as anintermediary in the production of a number of amino acids, such as AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps: BCAA, glutamine and proline3.

5. AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps - price and testimonial quotes
The properties of arginine from Olimp are a significant confirmation of the benefits of this supplement. By choosing AAKG 1250 Extreme Mega Caps you can expect the following effects.

Increased muscle strength and endurance
Increase in the perceived-fatigue threshold
More-efficient regeneration

The supplement is in the form of capsules, which facilitate the dosage of the preparation. In the case of peri-training application it is recommended to take 3 capsules daily - 1 capsule before and after training, and 1 before bedtime. The cost is less than 70 PLN for 120 capsules, which equatesto 40 recommended portions of the supplement.

A powerful dose of AAKG in 1 capsule!

Only 1 capsule - countless benefits!

A real pump and big muscles - that's AAKG!

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