Olimp R-Weiler Focus
Discount: -3%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 105,70 EUR/kg)
Do you often peter out? Is it difficult to stay alert and concentrate at key moments? Extended reaction time and limited ability of logical thinking negatively affect the speed of your decision-making process? Change that!
Choose R-weiler Focus – an innovative formula created by the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company scientists, containing ingredients that help improve exercise capacity1 and cognitive functions2.
Part of the unique "Health Brain" product line, R-weiler Focus is a composition of aminoacids (L-citrulline, L-arginine and taurine), creatine monohydrate, plant extracts (Rhodiola rosea, Bacopa monnieri, Chinese
magnolia-vine) enriched with N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, caffeine and beta-alanine. Innovative combination and high portions of individual ingredients, as well as their beneficial effect on exercise capacity (creatine, caffeine) and cognitive functions (caffeine, Rhodiola rosea, Bacopa monnieri, Chinese magnolia-vine) make the preparation perfectly designed for athletes practicing competitive and amateur sports, people who perform intellectual work, including computer players, whose concentration during individual training sessions or sporting events plays a significant role!
R-weiler Focus is a guarantee of quality that goes hand in hand with safe use. Individual components have been tested for microbiological purity and the absence of heavy metals in accordance with the standards of the pharmaceutical company. The powder form used is characterized by excellent solubility, so you can quickly and easily prepare the portion recommended by the manufacturer.
R-weiler Focus primarily provides you with:
support in increasing physical performance in successive bursts of short-term, high intensity exercise
Recommended use: 1 portion a day, about 30-60 minutes before training. Add 1 portion (12 g = 1 scoop) to 250 ml of water. Consume directly after preparation. Before use contact with your physician. Not suitable for children and young people. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
Warning: R-WEILER® Focus contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women (caffeine content: 150 mg/ 1 portion). In addition, the product is not to be used during nursing, in case of circulatory system diseases or in case of hypersensitivity to any of the constituents of the preparation. The product is not recommended for people with blood pressure problems. Do not use with medications, particularly with medications that influence the cardiovascular system. Do not consume other products containing caffeine at the same time (e.g.: other food supplements, energy drinks, coffee). Do not exceed a daily intake of 400 mg of caffeine from all sources and 200 mg of caffeine in a single dose. Permissible lumping of a product does not affect quality of the product. Do not use in conjunction with alcohol. Do not use before bedtime or during the immediately preceding hours before sleep. Some individuals may experience a sensation of tingling or numbness after the consumption. This is a temporary effect which is attributed to strong effect of beta-alanine. It does not affect health.
1 Creatine which improves physical performance in successive bursts of short-term, high intensity exercise.
2 Caffeine.
3 The beneficial effect occurs with the daily intake of 3g of creatine.
4 Declared effect when consuming 3mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight, one hour before workout.
5 Beneficial effect occurs with the daily intake of 4mg of caffeine per 1kg of body weight, an hour before a workout, in adults performing endurance exercise.
6 A product for adults should contain at least 75mg of caffeine per serving
7 A product for adults should contain at least 75mg of caffeine per serving
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A termékleírásokban olvasott állitások klinikai tesztekkel nincsenek alátámasztva, azok tényeknek, ajánlásoknak nem tekinthetők. Leírások az EFSA (Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság) ajánlásainak figyelembevételével készültek
Figyelem!! Ha terhes, szoptat vagy bármilyen betegséget diagnosztizáltak önnél, minden esetben kérje ki kezelőorvosa, egészségügyi tanácsadója véleményét mielőtt bármilyen táplálékkiegészítőt vásárolna.
Az általunk forgalmazott termékek nem alkalmasak betegségek kezelésére és nem helyettesítik a helyes és kellő mennyiségű étrendet. A gyártók, forgalmazók által leírtakért a proteinbuilder.hu dolgozói nem vállalnak felelősséget.
A termékek összetételét,hatóanyag tartalmát, esetleges allergéneket, egyéb összetevőket, minden esetben a gyártó által a termékre ragasztott leíráson találod! A gyártók fenntartják a jogot, hogy a termékek összetételén önhatalmúlag változtassanak, a forgalmazók értesítése nélkül.
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