OstroVit Choline&Inositol tab
Nutrition Facts
Net weight of product: 120 g
Servings per container: 90
Serving size: 1 tablet
Starch, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose; choline bitartrate, myo-inositol, anticaking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide.
Product may contain milk (including lactose), soy, peanuts, other nuts, sesame seeds, cereals containing gluten, eggs, crustaceans, fish.
Suggested usage
Take 1 serving (1 tablet) daily.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Recommended are balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not ingest if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Children, pregnant and nursing woman must not take the product. Keep out of the reach of children.
OstroVit Choline Inositol 90 tabs
OstroVit Choline Inositol is a dietary supplement which substantially facilitates daily operation of the organism. Choline and inositol, that is ingredients being part of B-group vitamins, support operation of nervous system and participate in fat and cholesterol metabolism. Are you looking for a supplement which can help you take care of your brain and liver at the same time? Choose OstroVit Choline Inositol tabs.
What includes OstroVit Choline Inositol and who is it designed for?
OstroVit Choline Inositol is a set of 90 tabs intended for daily supplementation. Both choline and inositol operate in two ways, supporting two completely different systems: nervous and digestive.
The product is perfect for persons who work mentally and study. Thanks to optimal content of choline and inositol, tabs provide comprehensive care to nervous system. Choose OstroVit Choline Inositol supplement if you wish to:
improve memorizing skills
concentrate better
learn quicker
improve your mood
avoid stress
improve quality of sleep
keep a proper cholesterol level
take care of your liver
Active ingredients of OstroVit Choline Inositol supplement
OstroVit Choline Inositol dietary supplement is an easy way to effectively support your organism on a daily basis. Check how its ingredients work:
Choline - it is a natural element of most animal tissues. Its presence in the organism assures proper structure of the brain. Choline goes through blood-brain barrier and serves as a nervous system transmitter. It participates in fatty acid metabolism.
Inositol - it is present in cell membranes. It is responsible for proper operation of neurotransmitters. It sensitizes receptors to serotonin, thanks to which stress is mitigated. It also boosts fat and cholesterol metabolism.
Only one tab of OstroVit Choline Inositol a day can help you keep a proper choline and inositol level in your organism.
Major features of the supplement:
PERFECT COMBINATION OF INGREDIENTS - compounds included in tabs, that is choline and inositol, assure strong influence. To enjoy much better results, they must be mixed. If only one of them is used, the supplementation is not so effective.
SUPPORT TO NERVOUS SYSTEM - the dietary supplement improves brain functions, helps you memorize and learn, and improves concentration. It also has a positive impact on general mood and quality of sleep.
LIVER HEALTH CARE – thanks to combination of choline and inositol, the supplement regulates cholesterol level and supports fatty acids metabolism.
CONVENIENT FORM – suplement OstroVit Choline Inositol is available in easy-to-swallow tabs. One package of the product is sufficient for a three-month supplementation.
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