OstroVit Coconut&Collagen caps
Discount: -8%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 0,12 EUR/kapszula)
90 capsules per pack
1 serving = 2 capsules
A pack lasts for over a month of supplementation
Properties of the ingredients contained in OstroVit Marine Collagen & MCT Oil from coconut:
IMPROVING THE APPEARANCE OF THE SKIN –The complex of active substances in our dietary supplement has a positive effect on the firmness, elasticity and tone of the skin.
COMPLEX PREPARATION FOR JOINTS, TENDONS AND CARTILAGE – Ingredients such as marine collagen type I and vitamin C used together contribute to better functioning of joints, bones and connective tissue.
A SOURCE OF HEALTHY FATTY ACIDS - As much as 300 mg of MCT oil from coconut oil in a daily serving of our supplement is an excellent source of medium-saturated fatty acids, valuable for people who are concerned about their figure, including those on a ketogenic diet.
EASY TO USE – Just take two capsules a day .
Find out what effect the individual active ingredients in the supplement have:
Collagen. It is one of the most important proteins found in the human body. It is present in almost all human tissues. It is an essential building block for skin, tendons, bones, joints and the cornea of the eye, among others. It influences the cohesiveness, strength and elasticity of connective tissue. Increased physical activity intensifies the process of collagen destruction, which is why its supplementation during intensive exercise and training is very important. A deficiency of collagen from the skins of marine fish can cause movement disorders, stiffening of the joints and back pain, the appearance of wrinkles, cellulite and decreased skin hydration and firmness. The most beneficial form of supplementation is type I fish collagen peptides with added vitamin C.
MCT oil. Derived from coconut oil, which is its most valuable source. MCT stands for medium-chain fatty acids, which are distinguished by their unique absorption and digestion process. Due to their beneficial properties, such as providing a substantial dose of energy, reducing body weight, ensuring a long-lasting feeling of satiety, significant effects in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and antibacterial effects, they are used by physically active people, people watching their weight or those with gastrointestinal problems.
Vitamin C. A vitamin known for its many valuable and essential properties. It is mainly responsible for the proper functioning of connective tissue and bones. In our preparation, it is added to collagen, thus supporting
its correct synthesis, which in turn has a great impact on the functioning of cartilage, gums, skin and teeth.
Suggested usage
Take 1 serving (2 capsules) daily.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Recommended are balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not ingest if you are allergic to any of
the ingredients. Do not consume the product by children, pregnant or nursing women. Keep out of the reach of children.
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