OstroVit Flex Regen 400 g
Nutrition Facts
Net weight of product: 400 g
Servings per container: 20
Serving size: 20 g
Gelatin hydrolyzate, methylsulfonylmethane, calcium carbonate (calcium), glucosamine sulphate, L-proline, boswellic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), magnesium citrate (magnesium), chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, cholecalciferol (vitamin D), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), other components: acidity regulator - malic acid; maltodextrin, dye - quinolone yellow *; thickeners: xanthan gum, gum arabic; aromas, sweeteners; sucralose, acesulfame K; anti-caking agent - silicon dioxide.
* quinoline yellow - may have a detrimental effect on activity and attention in children.
The product may contain milk (including lactose), wheat, oats, eggs, celery, mustard, peanuts and other nuts, sesame seeds, fish.
Suggested usage
A recommended portion of 20 g (1 1/4 scoop) is mixed in 100 - 150 ml of water or juice. Consume once a day.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose for consumption. Dietary supplement can not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Do not eat if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the product. The product should not be used by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Keep out of the reach of small children.
OstroVit FLEX REGEN 400 g
OstroVit FLEX REGEN is a dietary supplement developed using the highest quality raw materials. The individual components together create a product with the perfect composition. FLEX REGEN is a multifunctional preparation targeted at regeneration, protection and prevention of the proper functioning of our bone and joint system. It will find a special application for athletes and people who have an active lifestyle, who day-long practicing in the sweat of their forehead, are exposed to numerous injuries and injuries that are the bane of every athlete.
It contains 20 portions in the package
Unique and excellent taste options
1 serving = 20 g of the product
Excellent solubility
The success of every athlete is first and foremost the full ability to achieve the impossible, to exceed their own limits, weaknesses and becoming a better version of himself day by day. OstroVit FLEX REGEN is a modern preparation that creates ingredients dedicated to healthy bones, tendons, cartilages and ligaments. It is their 100% functionality that is the recipe for success. OstroVit FLEX REGEN supports the strengthening of joints and ligaments, protecting them from every day using. The ingredients of FLEX REGEN will help to maintain the proper bone function as well as the flexibility of the joints. It all makes this supplement also ideal for elderly people. There are 13 active ingredients including minerals and vitamins. The future is in your hands, the future is FLEX REGEN.
It’s a complex of effective ingredients
Helps to strengthen joints, tendons, cartilage and ligaments
Contributes to regeneration after injuries and injuries
Daily protection of joints
Suitable for older people and athletes
Supports the construction of tendons, ligaments and muscles
Contributes to the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue
Evidently improves the functioning of our skeletal system (increases joint flexibility)
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