OstroVit PABA VEGE 120 caps
Ez a termék jelenleg nem vásárolható meg webáruházunkban. Ha szeretne értesítést kapni, amikor újból elérhető lesz, adja meg adatait és értesítőt küldünk:
Nutrition Facts
Net weight of product: 71 g
Servings per container: 120
Serving size: 1 capsule
Para-aminobenzoic acid, coating composition (bulking agent: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose).
Product may contain milk (including lactose), soybeans, peanuts, other nuts, sesame seeds, cereals containing gluten, eggs, crustaceans, fish.
Suggested usage
Take 1 serving (1 capsule) per day, with meal.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute (replacement) for a varied diet. Recommended are a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not ingest if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Do not consume the product by children, pregnant or nursing women. People taking medication should consult their doctor or pharmacist before use. Keep out of the reach of children.
OstroVit PABA VEGE 120 capsules
OstroVit PABA is a dietary supplement in capsules demonstrating comprehensive health-promoting properties. Para-aminobenzoic acid, used in the product, also referred to as vitamin B10, supports production and absorption of many precious nutrients, including folic acid and other B-group vitamins. Are you looking for a supplement which can help you delay aging, protect skin against harmful UV radiation as well as improve absorption of vitamins and minerals? OstroVit PABA capsules will surely be of assistance.
What is OstroVit PABA and who it is designed for?
The para-aminobenzoic acid is a precious nutrient which naturally occurs in such products as red meat, eggs, milk, wheat sprouts, mushrooms and wholegrain goods. PABA participates in iron synthesis, thanks to which it can secure your organism against anemia as well as boost impact of vitamin B5, thus delaying skin aging process and preventing gray hair. PABA also improves operation of the nervous system, acts as a UV filter and supports bones and joints health.
Vitamin B10 deficiency may lead to early graying and hair loss as well as constant fatigue, lack of energy, dejection or even depression. The fastest way of supplementing BAPA in your organism is to use dietary supplements. To make sure vitamin B10 works more effectively, we advise you to take it jointly with folic acid, other vitamins from group B and vitamin C. Choose OstroVit PABA dietary supplement if you:
use folic acid, iron, vitamins from group B
want to have strong hair and healthy face
turn gray too early
wish to secure your skin against UV radiation
often feel tired and are in a bad mood
would like to take care of your joints and bones
Vitamin B10, included in OstroVit PABA capsules, improves operation of internal organs and systems, as well as helps you have a beautiful look, influencing the hair and skin pigmentation. Thanks to the fact that the active substance is inside the vegan capsule, the supplement will be also suitable for persons who do not eat meat.
Major features of the supplement:
IMPROVED ASSIMILABILITY - The group of major benefits arising from use of para-aminobenzoic acid involves improved synthesis of folic acid, vitamins from group B and such minerals as iron.
BEAUTIFUL LOOK - If you regularly use OstroVit BAPA dietary supplement, you can take care of strong hair and bright skin. When combined with vitamin B5, PABA hinders aging process and therefore may prevent you from going gray.
BETTER MOOD - Bad mood, excitability, lack of energy or even depression may be related to vitamin B10 deficiency. OstroVit BAPA influences the nervous system and makes you feel better.
CONVENIENT FORM - The supplement in the form of capsules is easy to use and swallowing is not difficult. One box contains 120 daily portions of para-aminobenzoic acid.
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