OstroVit Peach Jelly 1000 g
OstroVit Peach Jelly 1000 g
OstroVit Peach Jelly 1000 g is a fruit in gel with juicy peach flavour and no added sugar! The product is ideal as an addition to desserts, pancakes and diet snacks for people who want to limit their daily calorie intake. Looking for a healthier alternative to high-calorie jams? Try our latest range of gelled fruits with no added sugar. Choose your favourite flavour and enjoy it without remorse!
Fruits in gel without added sugar from OstroVit!
Many of us cannot imagine our daily diet without adding delicious jams or fruit sauces to many dishes. However, not all of them need to contain huge amounts of sugar, flavourings and flavour enhancers in addition to fruit. Our latest line of OstroVit fruit gels without added sugar confirms this one hundred per cent - 100 g of our product is less than 40 kcal and the composition is minimalist. In addition, the product contains trace amounts of fat and other carbohydrates. It contains two sweeteners with a low glycaemic index: erythritol and sucralose.
OstroVit Jelly 1000 g are available in 4 flavours (peach, strawberry, cherry & forest fruit) which you can use separately or mix together to create unique flavour combinations.
Key features of OstroVit Fruit Gels:
STRONGLY FRUITY FLAVOUR - Our sugar-free gelled fruits are a real fruit bomb - more than 90 % fruit in the composition. Although they contain no added sugar, their taste is intense and full-bodied.
MINIMUM NUMBER OF CALORIES - 100 g OstroVit Peach Jelly 1000 g is approximately 40 kcal - much less than 100 g of standard jam or fruit marmalade. You can enjoy its taste without remorse - it is suitable for those concerned about reduced calorie dishes.
CONVENIENT PACKAGING - The handy jar makes it easy to dose the product precisely. The packaging is very economical and will last longer than a standard jar of jam!
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