OstroVit Peanut Butter 100% Crunchy 1000 g
OstroVit Peanut Butter 100% Crunchy 1000 g
OstroVit 100% Peanut Butter is an excellent and unique product, created for the most demanding gourmets, but also for people who care about their slim figure, sport, and for those who limit harmful excess salt or sugar in their diet. Deep, full, the taste of peanuts is a perfect addition to sweet and salty. It is a real bomb of valuable fatty acids, proteins and minerals. Depth of taste, 100% satisfaction and a guarantee of the highest quality - OstroVit 100% Peanut Butter.
100% made from peanuts
Salt free
Does not contain palm oil
OstroVit 100% Peanut Butter
OstroVit 100% Peanut Butter is 100% made from peanuts. It does not contain salt, sugar and palm oil. Peanut nuts, also called earthnuts, stand out among other nuts because of the highest protein content. Wealth of minerals such as potassium and a whole range of other valuable substances for our health, including resveratrol, rutin or quercetin. All OstroVit products are above all quality and attention to detail. After grinding, the products are stored at a low temperature, thanks to which they retain so important omega 3-6-9 fatty acids. Properties OstroVit 100% Peanut Butter 100% Peanut Butter is not only a great product that should be found in the kitchen of every gourmet, but also a valuable source of many components.
Source of easily digestible protein
Wealth of healthy fats mono- and polyunsaturated
Perfect for physically active people who have an increased need for calories
Great source of micro and macro nutrients for vegans and vegetarians
Excellent base of minerals min. magnesium
Can help reduce blood pressure
Nutrition Facts
Net weight of product: 1000 g
Servings per container: 40
Serving size: 25 g
Roasted peanuts 100%
The product may contain other nuts, peanuts, milk (including lactose), soy, sesame seeds, oats, eggs, crustaceans, fish.
Suggested usage
Consume as needed.
Do not eat if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the product.
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