OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in caramell+Himalayan salt
OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt 500 g
OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt is a delicious nut cream consisting of simple and surprising ingredients. The product is based on two kinds of nuts: peanuts and caramelized hazelnuts, and a Himalayan salt. Are you looking for a reliable sweat cream which can be added to sandwiches, pancakes, porridge, pies, ice-cream or other desserts? You must try OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt!
Nut cream by OstroVit
Our protein-rich nut cream is a tasty and nourishing snack which will surely suit you. Thanks to combination of a classic peanut butter, hazelnuts in caramel and Himalayan salt, we have created a unique additive to sweet dishes and desserts which will impress you with its distinctive intensively nutty flavor. By including a peanut butter in your everyday menu, you can enrich it with proteins, healthy fats required for proper operation of your organism, as well as potassium, magnesium and fiber.
OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt will make your diet more diverse and a way tastier. Thanks to presence of the Himalayan salt, our nut cream performs perfectly whenever you feel like having a sweet or salty snack.
Choose our cream if you:
are bored with classic peanut butters
love sweet dishes and desserts
often feel like having salty products
are looking for a universal source of fiber
wish to supplement your diet with fatty acids Omega 3-6-9
aim to find a fiber-rich product
OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt is a rich source of valuable fatty acids, protein, fiber and minerals. Spread your bread, pancakes or pies with it, or add to your porridge to enjoy a deep flavor of nuts.
Major features of our cream:
UNIVERSAL SNACK – Our cream is a perfect idea for a high-protein snack which is able to satiate your hunger for a long time. The product is suitable for sweet dishes and salads or meat- and fish-based meals.
HIGH CONTENT OF PROTEIN – 100 grams of the product include as many as 21 grams of protein! Thanks to this, our nut cream is a perfect choice as a snack for athletes and body-builders who work on their muscle mass.
VALUABLE FATTY ACIDS – Our product is rich in fatty acids Omega 3-6-9 which foster proper operation of your organism and internal organs.
LARGE BOX – OstroVit Peanut Butter Hazelnut in Caramel Himalayan Salt represents as many as 500 grams of a delicious peanut and hazelnut cream. A large family box is enough to enjoy the product for a long time.
Nutrition Facts
Net weight of product: 500 g
Servings per container: 20
Serving size: 25 g
Roasted peanuts 80.2 %, hazelnut caramelized 18 % (roasted hazelnuts, sugar), himalayan salt 1.8 %.
Product may contain milk (including lactose), soybeans, other nuts, sesame seeds, cereals containing gluten, eggs, crustaceans, fish.
Nuts come from outside the EU.
Suggested usage
Eat according to your needs.
Keep this packaging tightly closed in a dry place, at the temperature 15-25°C. Keep out of direct sunlight. On the surface may precipitate valuable and aromatic nut oil. We recommend mixing the product before consumption or separately using the precipitated oil as an addition to the dishes.
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