OstroVit Vit&Min powder 150 g
Discount: -6%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 49,67 EUR/kg)
Why is it worth choosing OstroVit VIT&MIN Powder?
If you regularly take vitamins and minerals, you can be sure your organism is provided with all ingredients required for proper functioning. Thanks to OstroVit Vit&Min Powder dietary supplement, which contains as many as 19 vitamins and minerals, you don’t need to use a few preparations at a time anymore.
OstroVit Vit&Min Powder multivitamin product includes ingredients which support operation of numerous organs and system. Check what are its most important properties:
MINERALS COMPLEX - Minerals included in the supplement support operation of the immunity system and nervous system, give energy and let you take care of a beautiful look.
SET OF REQUIRED VITAMINS - The product is rich in vitamin C, D, E, A, B6 and B12 which take part in numerous reactions in the organism.
UNIQUE FORMULA - The dietary supplement comes as a powder. One box is enough for a month-long supplementation.
COMFORT OF USE - Just dissolve 5 measures of the product in water or juice. Forget about swallowing pills and capsules.
Active ingredients in the supplement
Insulin. - It serves as a probiotic. It performs well in prevention of various diseases.
Potassium. - It allows proper operation of muscles.
Magnesium. - It can prevent extensive fatigue and improve resistance to stress.
Vitamin C. - It encourages the organism to defend against diseases. It can support iron assimilation.
Niacin. - It participates in sex hormone synthesis. It fosters metabolism. It secures neurons.
Vitamin E. - It is known for its anti-oxidant properties. It eliminates free radicals and hinders aging process.
Thiamine. - It supports nervous system.
Riboflavin. - It may improve immunity. It secures eyesight.
Zinc. - It has an impact on immunity system and participates in production of testosterone.
Iron. - It fosters operation of the vascular system.
Pantothenic acid. - It lets you keep looking healthy.
Vitamin B6. - It takes part in aminoacid transformation.
Manganese. - It is support to nervous system. It answers for strong bones.
Copper. - It is involved in production of red cells, connective tissue and nerve fibers.
Vitamin A. - It has a positive impact on healthy look - skin, hair and nails.
Folic acid. - It is part of the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Biotin. - It makes the skin healthier, while hair and nails - stronger.
Chromium. - It supports the organism in breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.
Vitamin D. - It influences the immunity. It lets you keep your bones and teeth healthy.
Vitamin B12. - It may increase muscle immunity as well as support cardiovascular system.
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