OstroVit Vitamin C-drops Kids
Discount: -23%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest (egységár: 81,00 EUR/liter)
OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C KIDS drops 30 ml
OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C for kids is a dietary supplement designed with young people in mind. The product supports the kid’s immune system. A convenient form of drops allows you to quickly and easily adapt the dose to the child’s age. Are you looking for vitamin C for your kid in the form of drops? You must try the OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C for kids dietary supplement.
The role of vitamin C in children's health
The ascorbic acid, also referred to as vitamin C, as an anti-oxidant has a comprehensive impact on the human organism. It boosts numerous processes that occur from the early age of life. If regularly used, vitamin
C may provide protection against harmful free radicals and strengthen the immune system. Additionally the ascorbic acid participates in the synthesis of collagen which serves as an important building material in bones, joints, skin and teeth. A suitable amount of collagen is crucial in the growth period.
The main source of vitamin C are plant products, such as citruses, kiwi, broccoli, cauliflower and pepper. Unfortunately the human organism is not able to product the ascorbic acid on its own. Therefore, in case the diet is poor in these ingredients, it is advisable to take it in the form of the supplement. Vitamin C deficiency in kids may lead to general weakness, tendency to get bruised or swollen or even development of scurvy.
Choose OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C KIDS drops if you:
are looking for vitamin C for your kid
wish to take care of his/her health and immunity
want to support a proper growth of bones and teeth
prioritize easy dosing
Properties of the ingredients contained in OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C KIDS:
SUPPORT TO IMMUNE SYSTEM - If taken prophylactically, vitamin C may foster operation of the immune system, allow it to better deal with infections, as well as counteract the scurvy.
MULTIDIRECTIONAL EFFECT - Vitamin C reduces the amount of harmful free radicals. Also, the ascorbic acid may boost absorption of iron.
EASY DOSING - Four drops of our dietary supplement represent 20 mg of the ascorbic acid. Such an amount will perform well in kids aged 1-3. For older children, we advise you to increase a daily lose of the supplement.
ALWAYS AT HAND - OstroVit Pharma Vitamin C dietary supplement is enclosed in a small bottle that you can always keep at hand. You can take it with you for a weekend trip, or hide in the hand luggage before the flight.
Suggested usage
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