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Vitaking Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid (30 Capsules)

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Kiszerelés: 60 gélkapszula
Gyártó ajánlott listaára: 16,62 EUR
In store: 16,04 EUR Online price: 15,55 EUR
Discount: -6%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest
(egységár: 0,26 EUR/gélkapszula)

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Vitaking Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid (30 Capsules)

Preparation containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Hyaluronic acid and collagen are the most important building blocks of our connective tissue. Mostly for athletes, physical workers and people over the age of 40, this supplement is very useful. Vitaking Hyaluronic Acid Collagen contains 30 mg of hyaluronic acid per capsule and 140 mg of collagen.

Hyaluronic acid complex with collagen
Hyaluronic acid is an essential component of our tissues. As age grows, production decreases. Collagen is also a building block for connective tissue.

Preparation containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Collagen and hyaluronic acid are the most important building blocks of our connective tissue. Mostly for athletes, physical workers and people over the age of 40, this supplement is very useful.

One of the mysterious, yet popular materials of today
Like amino acids for collagen and elastin, this acid is part of our body, so it is an essential component of our tissues. This small mysterious substance is responsible for the elasticity of our tissues, for its ability to absorb and retain water. The connective tissue connects and fills the cells between the cells in a mesh-like manner, ensuring the elasticity and tension of the particular organ.

Its volume is highest in newborn’s connective tissue, and its production begins to decline in the twenties. The forty-year-old is the watershed, since the production of hyaluronic acid is halved, and sixty years of age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin is 10% of the original.

Decreasing hyaluronic acid production
Hyaluronic acid is produced continuously by connective tissue cells and hyaline powder cells in the joints, but production decreases with age or disease.

Hyaluron connects and replenishes intercellular tissue in the connective tissue. It recovers cross-linkages between existing collagen fibers, stimulates collagen and elastic fibers to rebuild. In our organization, it performs its primary function as a constituent of cartilage.

Collagen is the most important building block in the body and accounts for about 30% of the proteins in our body. This is the most important structural protein that is a component of all connective tissues, including skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones. Essentially, collagen is strong and flexible, and the “glue” that keeps everything together

Active ingredient in 1 capsule
Hyaluronic acid: 30 mg
Collagen: 140 mg
Our product range includes collagen in powder form.

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