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Maca – 500 Mg (90 Veggies Capsules)

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Kiszerelés: 90 kapszula
Gyártó ajánlott listaára: 12,03 EUR
In store: 12,03 EUR Online price: 11,70 EUR
Discount: -3%
a gyártó által ajánlott listaárhoz képest
(egységár: 0,13 EUR/kapszula)
Maca – 500 Mg (90 Veggies Capsules)

Continued, and persistent use of Maca root promotes improvement in the physical, hormonal, and emotional states of regular people. This time-tested intimacy enhancer’s use dates back to the Incas. A powerful Peruvian herb, Maca stimulates the sexual experience of both men and women.

Maca root is the crumbled root of the Lepidium Meyenii plant. It can help you maintain a healthy energy level. For millennia, it was the super food of the Incas. Its root fiber is rich in various stimulants. It contains over 300 fragrances, colorants and essential oils.

Maca has long been considered a valuable plant by the Peruvian indigenous people. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and high energy carbohydrates that renew and refresh your body. It is believed or experienced that it improves mental performance, which is why it is also called “Peruvian Ginseng”. However, men can also experience other positive effects and are therefore particularly appreciated…

Maca Root is a vegetable that grows wild on the slopes of the Andes and has been used for thousands of years. The tuber is a nutritious crop for the Peruvian population, such as rice, wheat, corn, or beans, for those living on other continents. However, maca can be widely used not only for its high carbohydrate content but also for its other ingredients.

The plant is particularly rich in phosphorus, vitamins (beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin D), iron, iodine, carbohydrate, protein, and essential fatty acids. However, its main active substances belong to the group of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and phytosteroids.

The maca plant, as a natural enhancer, is recommended for healthy people who need a new impulse. There are not many foods that can help with physical performance and endurance.

Maca root:
It helps increase sexual potential
It promotes sexual desire
It can help increase sperm volume and motility
It can help maintain a healthy reproductive system in men
It supports both male and female gender.
It can help prevent bone loss (osteoporosis)
It can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis
For women, it can help maintain bone strength after a period of change
Excellent source of energy
It supports physical and mental performance
Helps maintain optimal stamina and vitality
Get the most out of yourself!

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Üdv: proteinbuilder team

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